Welcome to the Denver Area Science Fiction Association

Aug 1 2009

DASFA is a science fiction and fantasy fan club that has been meeting continuously in the Denver area since the early 1970s.

We meet on the third Saturday of each month at the Broadway Book Mall at 200 South Broadway in Denver. Meeting time is at 7:00 PM. There are two exceptions to this schedule -- the August picnic on the third Saturday of August, and the annual Christmas party in December.

The core of each meeting is a featured program. Often we have local SF authors as guests. We've also featured scientists and technologists who have done presentations on their current work.

The meeting is usually followed by a 'Dead Dog' - that's an informal party at a member's home. We also have the DASFA alternate, an informal meeting on the first Saturday of each month. It's held at a member's home.

For more details on our membership and our meetings, please join our Yahoo group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DASFA.

Meeting location update

DASFA is now meeting at the Broadway Book Mall, 200 S. Broadway, and not at Whole Foods.
-Rose B.


When and where are the meetings in December? Thanks

The December meeting is a

The December meeting is a holiday party held at a member's house, and I've been too busy to get permission to post that location publicly - some members are reluctant to share such information.

The public meetings resume in January, on the third Saturday night of the month, at the Wild Oats at I-25 and Washington.


Once the whole hosting question is solved, maybe we could have at least the current month's meeting up on the calendar. I know there are last-minute changes sometimes, but it sure would be nice to have it up there to the best of our ability for people who may not be on the email loop. I've mysteriously fallen off it a couple of times myself.

